
My Photo
Location: DownByTheRiver, Central Iowa, United States

Husband of the world's most wonderful wife, father of the world's four most brilliant children, grandfather to the world's eight most beautiful granddaughters and two handsomest grandsons

Monday, May 08, 2006

Youngest Son Goes To Military

The RRR has spent the last month pouring his written creativity into writing each day to Youngest Son. Why have I been doing that? He is in Air Force Basic Training in Texas. Each day I print up his favorite cartoons, Get Fuzzy and Loose Parts and use them for stationery and write him a letter keeping in contact with what is happening in the family.

I was in basic training once and I know the stress. It has to be there of course. To take the most enthusiastically individualistic young people in the world (Americans) and turn them within a few weeks to a cooperative team requires great molding of responses and personality adjustments. This is not possible to do gently nor quietly. But the U.S. military excels at it. Ask Saddam Hussein.

Bear with me Ranger Readers. The RRR will return.