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Location: DownByTheRiver, Central Iowa, United States

Husband of the world's most wonderful wife, father of the world's four most brilliant children, grandfather to the world's eight most beautiful granddaughters and two handsomest grandsons

Monday, June 11, 2012

Rosie The Riveter Crosses Over

Last night, out on the West Coast, we lost one more Rosie The Riveter.  My beloved Aunt Marjorie, my Father's sister fought her last battle.  Age and cancer won at last.  A farmer's daughter from Iowa, she went west and built bombers in California during WWII.  When I was a tiny boy she and my uncle and my cousin VJ farmed close to us.  One of my earliest memories was at the age of four sitting down to eat at the table in her farmhouse and she set a plate and reserved a chair for my imaginary friend.

As C.S. Lewis said, "they don't make tough old Aunties like they used to."  She was the best.  I'll miss her deeply and grieve quietly.


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